OR, how to avoid the “Look! Look! It’s coming around, right back to me…oh, cool!…here it comes…here it comes…OUCH!!!”

  • It’s important to note that boomerangs are not toys. They are sports items that should be used only by an adult or by children/youth under the supervision of an adult. Boomerangs can cause serious injury if basic rules are not followed. Please follow all instructions & advice found here and on the “How to Throw” page!!!
  • Never throw a boomerang sidearmed or laid flat like a frisbee. It will swoop straight up into the sky and dive back at you very steep & fast, which can cause serious injury to you or anyone nearby. Always throw boomerangs with an overhand motion, similar to throwing a football.
  • Never throw in strong wind. The boomerang will be very hard to control and can easily fly beyond your safe throwing area and possibly injure someone. The best conditions are mild to moderate steady winds, or even no wind, depending on the boomerang being thrown.
  • Keep in mind that when throwing a boomerang, you are the target! Always keep your eyes on the boomerang and attempt to catch it only if it is approaching you slowly at shoulder level or below, or better yet, hovering above you and dropping gently into your hands. Never attempt to catch a boomerang that is flying toward you at a steep angle or at a high rate of speed—just step aside and let it pass by you (but make sure no one else is in its path!).
  • Boomerangs should only be thrown in large open spaces, with no people or animals within the possible flight path of the boomerang and with no obstructions such as trees, fences, power lines, etc. Ideal for throwing are sports fields, such as football, soccer, or baseball fields (even better are areas with several sports fields side by side—e.g., 100 yards long & wide, or more). The space needed will vary by boomerang—some are designed to travel farther than others (the flight paths of our boomerangs vary from about 30-70 yards, depending on the model).
  • If there are other people participating in the throwing with you, ensure that only one person throws at a time, and that everyone else is watching carefully the boomerang’s flight.
  • Always wear protective safety glass eyewear when throwing boomerangs.

Owens & Sons Boomerangs assumes no responsibility for injuries or damage
that may result from the use or misuse of any of our boomerangs.